I have always been fond of traveling, which is fortunate since I often seem to be going from one place to another. For the most part, this traveling had to do with my moving from one home to another. And no, this has nothing to do with separated parents, but rather because of the practicalities in life that dictate that one must live with one's grandmother because this puts one nearer to one's school. And later, one's place of work. (Although, to be honest about it, I stayed with her long after I needed to because by then she had become my mother. )
As a traveler-at-heart, I think it's good that I never get motion sickness when in a car, a bus, a boat, or a plane. On my first boat ride, I was scared that I'd be sick inside of a few minutes and moan my way throughout the cruise. Luckily, I had more to fear from indigestion because the staff seemed bent on stuffing us to the gills. We were all happy to oblige, of course.
I just wish, though, that unflappable gumption had also been one of my gifts. That way, I wouldn't hesitate too much in deciding where to go, and thereby save precious time, and spare myself any jitters.